Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Man for the Season by Xavier Edwards

It was the night before Christmas and Rachel had no boyfriend to celebrate Christmas with.Her friends eagerly tried to fix her up with a date,night after night.No one could find the perfect man for her.

A handsome dark haired stranger walked into the bar as they toasted with Christmas cheer.Rachel's jaw dropped as this delicious looking guy walked straight across to her with mistletoe above his head and smacked a kiss on her lips.Would this be her christmas gift or her man for all seasons?

Where to Buy

A cute story that's sure to leave a goofy smile on your face, even if it's only inside your mind. A little bit whimsical, a little bit hot, with a dash of paranormal flavor thrown in, it's just the thing to fit the bill when you're looking for a steamy little story to spend a little time with, especially on a late night near Christmas. There is just enough revealed about the characters, especially Nick, and their backstories, to make you want to know more, though perhaps the charm here lies in the fact that everything isn't laid out and explained in detail. The hints we're give are enough to fill in the blanks and make the whole thing more intriguing that it might be if everything were spelled out. Recommended for anyone who likes short story erotica who is looking to be entertained and titillated for a short while.

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